Sue’s Views

Sue’s Views

He Will Make A Way!

Sue WilsonNov 10, 20231 min read

Walking with God means ….. knowing He will make a way! Does your situation seem impossible? ….. Is there no end in sight? ….. Wondering…

Prayer For Israel

Sue WilsonNov 9, 20231 min read

Sue’s Views The best thing we can do for Israel is to pray and declare God’s Word over them. His Word will not return to…

Most Powerful Weapon

Sue WilsonNov 8, 20232 min read

Sue’s Views With the very real threat of another world war ….. do you know that you most likely have the most powerful weapon somewhere…

Gateways To Our Hearts

Sue WilsonNov 7, 20231 min read

Sue’s Views Did you know that your eyes and ears are gateways to your heart? What you see or hear affects how you feel …..…

Psalm for a Difficult Journey

Sue WilsonNov 6, 20231 min read

Sue’s Views Psalm 121 is a song for Pilgrims on a journey to Jerusalem. It was a difficult journey with rough roads and danger lurking…

There’s a Light at the End of the Tunnel

Sue WilsonNov 2, 20231 min read

Sue’s Views There’s a light at the end of the tunnel! No matter what ‘tunnel’ you are going through ….. there is an end to…
