Is God’s Love ‘Unconditional’?

Sue’s Views

Today we celebrate the most amazing act of love the world has ever seen. A Father ….. seeing the need of us His children ….. and knowing there was only one way to meet that need ….. gave His only Son to die in our place ….. as a sacrifice for our sin. Crucifixion was one of the cruelest and humiliating ways to die. But Jesus’ focus was on you and me being reconciled to God and able to live with Him forever.  He even prayed for our forgiveness as He was dying. What should be our response? Jesus made it possible for us to be saved ….. but the choice is still ours. The term ‘unconditional love’ is used a lot lately but you won’t find it in the Bible! It’s true in the sense that a parent never stops loving their child no matter what they do ….. but that same love forces them to punish wrong behaviour. We have a choice to make! And it’s Heaven or Hell! Yes, there is such a place as Hell ….. but nobody will go there because God doesn’t love them. On the contrary, they will go there precisely because they have willfully chosen to reject His love, freely offered to them in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. ‘Choose you this day whom you will serve.’

Invest in Heaven

Sue’s Views
Well ….. here we are in April ….. which means we are one quarter of the way through the year! Time is such a valuable commodity. I looked back at my journal to see how I’d spent the year so far. Much of it has been the mundane ….. everyday ….. norm ….. things we don’t bother to record. It can seem sometimes like we haven’t accomplished much. But things like work ….. family ….. friends ….. and even time for ourselves ….. are investments that will earn interest later. So ….. ask God to guide you each day ….. and keep on investing in Heaven!