Never Too Late

Sue’s Views
No matter how old you are ….. it’s never too late to experience new growth. It has more to do with attitude than age. If you believe you are ‘past it’ ….. you probably are! But if you are open to fresh inspiration and ideas ….. there is no limit to what you can achieve. Colonel Sanders was into his 60s when he developed his secret recipe. Ronald Reagan became president of the United States at 70! (Note to self!) 


Sue’s Views
What are you afraid of? Obviously there are healthy fears ….. situations we need to avoid because we know they are dangerous. But many of our fears are based on false perceptions ….. and ‘what ifs’. What if the plane crashes ….. what if I can’t cope ….. what if I don’t have enough? These ways of thinking will keep us limited ….. confined and miserable. What you’re afraid of might never happen. The antidote for fear is ‘faith’! When you look through the eyes of faith ….. you will see things as they really are.

Change Of Season

Sue’s Views
I don’t know about you ….. but I’ve really enjoyed this autumn season. The days have been mostly sunny and temperatures high. But we are about to change seasons ….. and we don’t always look forward to winter! However ….. the cold and barrenness of winter are necessary for the circle of life to continue. There is much to be enjoyed ….. hot soups ….. warm blankets ….. and cosy nights by the fire. The best part of winter is looking forward to spring!

Choose God’s Will

Sue’s Views
God has a wonderful plan for your life ….. but He will not override your will. He has given us freedom to choose. Along life’s journey there are many choices we have to make ….. some big ….. some small. He wants to be involved in all of them. Making good decisions will lead you to your destiny. Poor choices will cause delays. But the good news is ….. when the Prodigal Son realised his stupidity ….. his Father was waiting with open arms to welcome His son home.

His Ways Are Higher Than Ours

Sue’s Views
One of the problems with us humans is that we like to be in control! When we are facing a problem ….. we have to try to solve it. But the material we have to work with is limited. The writer of Ecclesiastes ….. in trying to explain the issues facing mankind ….. made the mistake of limiting his search to ‘everything under the sun’. But God is not under the sun! He created the sun and is therefore far above the sun ….. the moon and the stars. His knowledge and wisdom is far greater than our little minds can fathom. His ways are higher than ours. You can trust Him! He cares far more about your problem than you do.

Dealing With Anger

Sue’s Views
Are you feeling angry? When we get ‘hot under the collar’ ….. we can do some really dumb things ….. things we will later regret. The Bible has some very good advice for these situations. It says when you get angry, instead of losing it ….. go and lie down quietly ….. and think it through. Ask God what’s really going on ….. and when He shows you ….. do what He shows you to do ….. and trust Him with the outcome. (My paraphrase of Psalm 4:4-5) It takes humility and courage ….. but it will save a lot of heartache!


Sue’s Views
Walking with God means ….. leaving a legacy for future generations. Life is like a vapour ….. here today and gone tomorrow! But just like these leaves ….. which had their moment of vibrancy but are now nourishing the soil for future growth ….. our influence will affect those to come. Nothing is wasted! They will benefit from our experiences and learn from our mistakes. Your life counts! You are significant! Future generations are counting on you! 

The Prayer Of Jabez

Sue’s Views
Do you feel limited or confined because of your past? A young man named Jabez prayed a simple prayer that we can all pray. ‘Oh that you would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that your hand would be with me, and that you would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain!’ God granted him what he requested. God’s blessing brings enlargement ….. and assures us that we have a broad ‘place’ that is ours to occupy.


Sue’s Views
A door can represent either a way out ….. or a way in. Either way ….. a closed door is a barrier that must be overcome. Some doors open easily. You simply have to turn the handle. Others are locked ….. and you need a key to unlock them. Sometimes we don’t have the key and we rely on someone else to open the door. You won’t know until you try! Knock on the door and keep knocking. If it still doesn’t open ….. trust that it’s closed for a reason ….. or until the time is right.

There Is Light At The End Of This Tunnel!

Sue’s Views
If you have been walking through a dark place ….. there is light at the end of this tunnel. If you are about to give up ….. keep going ….. because there is hope for you. If you can’t see a future ….. keep believing ….. because Your future is in God’s hands. If you are harbouring guilt or shame ….. acknowledge it ….. because forgiveness and healing are waiting for you. Darkness is the Devil’s playground. It’s a place of distortion ….. lies ….. and accusation. Jesus said ‘1 am the Light of the World. If you follow me you won’t be stumbling through the darkness, for living light will flood your path.’