
Sue’s Views
Walking with God means ….. leaving a legacy for future generations. Life is like a vapour ….. here today and gone tomorrow! But just like these leaves ….. which had their moment of vibrancy but are now nourishing the soil for future growth ….. our influence will affect those to come. Nothing is wasted! They will benefit from our experiences and learn from our mistakes. Your life counts! You are significant! Future generations are counting on you! 

The Prayer Of Jabez

Sue’s Views
Do you feel limited or confined because of your past? A young man named Jabez prayed a simple prayer that we can all pray. ‘Oh that you would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that your hand would be with me, and that you would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain!’ God granted him what he requested. God’s blessing brings enlargement ….. and assures us that we have a broad ‘place’ that is ours to occupy.


Sue’s Views
A door can represent either a way out ….. or a way in. Either way ….. a closed door is a barrier that must be overcome. Some doors open easily. You simply have to turn the handle. Others are locked ….. and you need a key to unlock them. Sometimes we don’t have the key and we rely on someone else to open the door. You won’t know until you try! Knock on the door and keep knocking. If it still doesn’t open ….. trust that it’s closed for a reason ….. or until the time is right.

There Is Light At The End Of This Tunnel!

Sue’s Views
If you have been walking through a dark place ….. there is light at the end of this tunnel. If you are about to give up ….. keep going ….. because there is hope for you. If you can’t see a future ….. keep believing ….. because Your future is in God’s hands. If you are harbouring guilt or shame ….. acknowledge it ….. because forgiveness and healing are waiting for you. Darkness is the Devil’s playground. It’s a place of distortion ….. lies ….. and accusation. Jesus said ‘1 am the Light of the World. If you follow me you won’t be stumbling through the darkness, for living light will flood your path.’


Sue’s Views  
Are you struggling with temptation? We all do! Temptation itself is not the problem ….. it’s when we give in to it that it takes a downward spiral. We feel guilty ….. and then do stuff we know is not good in order to mask the guilt. We end up in a stronghold! God promises us a way out of temptation.  It’s not always easy to find but it’s there if you look for it.

A Different Perspective

Sue’s Views
When I was younger ….. I would ask God to remove all the obstacles from my path. To fill my day with blessings ….. to help me get on with everyone ….. to help me find a car park etc. I’m glad to say it has developed over the years! Now ….. my prayers go something like ‘Please give me the strength to face whatever is in my path. Help me to be a blessing to those around me. There is nothing I will face today that You and I together can’t handle!’ Then ….. I go about my day with confidence. God doesn’t always take us out of challenging situations ….. but He does walk through them with us!

The Light Of Day

Sue’s Views
It amazes me how worrying things can seem in the middle of the night ….. and yet ….. come morning ….. they don’t seem nearly as bad. The light of day brings a fresh perspective. It also brings hope and clarity. Next time you are in a dark place ….. remember that darkness is only a temporary absence of light. Fear and anxiety love to hide in the shadows ….. but light will expose them for what they are!

Thoughts From A Thankful Mum!

Sue’s Views
Having just celebrated Mother’s Day yesterday ….. I’ve been thinking about the different stages of motherhood. I remember the roller coaster of emotions on becoming a first time Mum! The elation of holding my baby and seeing him stare into my eyes ….. to the frustration of not knowing how to pacify him ….. to the joy of the first smile ….. to the anxiety of him crawling into danger. Then comes the gradual letting go as your once totally dependent child wants to explore the world. You hope you’ve done a good enough job to help them make good choices. Then ….. one day they bring their own children home ….. and you watch them go through the same roller coaster you went through. And you realise half the things that you worried about weren’t that important. But the different stages you went through have shaped who you are now ….. older ….. wiser …..calmer ….. and very very thankful!


Sue’s Views
What does it mean to have abundant life? It means having more than you need so you can bless others ….. it means having peace and joy even when troubles come ….. it means knowing you are loved so you are able to love others ….. it means being secure in who you are so you don’t worry about what people think of you ….. it means being assured of your future because this life is not the end! Abundant life can only come from having a relationship with God through His Son, Jesus Christ. Now who wouldn’t want that? 

The Beauty Of Ageing

Sue’s Views

No matter what stage you are at in life ….. you have an important part to play. The sunflower is a great illustration. We all love the beauty and freshness of the young bright yellow flowers! They bring joy and vitality just being around them. But their most productive season is when they age! They don’t look so good ….. and they can no longer lift their heads to the sun ….. but this is the time they have the most to give. This is when they are harvested for their seeds and oil which live on to be used for many other products. The glorious seeds of lessons learned from experience and time can be of benefit when shared with others. You may not have the energy you once had ….. but the treasures within you are priceless!
