Twists and Turns

Sue’s Views 
The path of life is rarely a straight line. There are many twists and turns along the way. Sometimes we get impatient because we just want to get to our destination. But God is never in a hurry ….. and He has much to teach us along the way. Main highways may be direct and fast but the country lanes are far more scenic. So ….. enjoy the ride ….. you never know what’s around the next bend!

God’s Love

Sue’s Views
Today can be a difficult day for many! Not everyone will receive flowers or chocolates or even a card from an anonymous admirer. With so many broken relationships ….. Valentines Day may trigger a lot of emotions. People change ….. and their idea of love is something you fall into and fall out of. But I want to encourage you today with the words of the One whose love never changes! 
 “I have loved you with an everlasting love; Therefore with lovingkindness I have drawn you and continued My faithfulness to you.
God’s love is everlasting ….. kind ….. and faithful. It is constant ….. and doesn’t depend on feelings. It is always giving and meeting our needs. 
May you receive His love today!

The Real Enemy

Sue’s Views

As things becomes more and more volatile around the world ….. let’s remember what the battle is really about. 

‘For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.’ Ephesians 6:12

The battle began when Lucifer wanted to be God. He wasn’t content with being the leading angel. He wanted to be the boss! He used deception and coercion to influence other angels and humans ….. and so the battle has raged ever since. It’s a spiritual battle and can only be fought with spiritual weapons. Prayer ….. declaring God’s Word ….. taking our authority in Jesus Name ….. and living in obedience to God ….. are some of these weapons that are ‘mighty in God for the pulling down of strongholds.’ 

No amount of talking ….. arguing ….. or fighting will do it. Let’s unite against the real enemy!


Healthy Spirit, Soul and Body

Sue’s Views
Last week ….. my calendar was very full. As I contemplated the days to come ….. I began to feel overwhelmed but each event was out of my control. I prayed for strength and help ….. and the week turned out to be nowhere near as demanding as I had thought. So much of our stress comes from the anticipation rather than the actual! We are complex creatures! Spirit ….. Soul ….. and Body! The three work in conjunction and affect one another. Many physical illnesses are a result of our mental processing. But it’s also true that much mental disease is a result of our spiritual health. When God is at the centre ….. everything else will take its rightful place. Who you worship will determine how you think ….. and what you believe will determine how you treat your body! My prayer for you today is:
‘Dear friend, I hope all is well with you and that you are as healthy in body as you are strong in spirit.’ 3 John 1:2

Storms of Life

Sue’s Views
Our ability to weather the storms of life is a lot like these trees. 1) They are planted by water so they are constantly hydrated and refreshed. 2) They have deep roots that keep them stable. 3) They are surrounded by others that help to protect them. We can learn a lot from nature!

‘Even Though …..’

Sue’s Views
The uncertainty of our future can take our minds to places of anxiety and depression. The ‘what ifs’ ….. can take us on a journey that brings stress before it happens. Joyce Meyer has a saying ‘Where the mind goes ….. the man follows’. How do we avoid going the wrong way? By changing our mind! 
Psalm 23 says: ‘Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.’ 
I love that is starts with ‘even though’! Even in the worst case scenario ….. God is with us! The safest place we can be is in His presence. 
It goes on to say, ‘You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.’
Now that is the epitome of being an overcomer!

Work of Art

Sue’s Views
Do you realise what an amazing work of art you are? God designed you uniquely ….. fashioned you ….. and formed you in your mother’s womb. You are no accident! You have a purpose and God has given you gifts and talents to fulfil that purpose. Now go and shine for Him ….. and be the best ‘you’ you can be!

Happy Waitangi Day!

Sue’s Views
I don’t pretend to understand the complexities of the Treaty of Waitangi ….. nor the grievances that have resulted from it. All I know is that I was brought to New Zealand at a young age by my parents who saw a better future. They didn’t understand then that it was the hand of God at work. If they hadn’t made that decision ….. I may not have found Him ….. and I certainly wouldn’t have met my husband and produced the wonderful family God has blessed us with. I am so grateful to this nation for accepting us and adopting us as fellow citizens. God defend New Zealand!

Aim High!

Sue’s Views
To all the students beginning a new school year ….. aim high! Aim high in your studies ….. aim high in your friendships ….. but most of all ….. aim high in your character. You may not be top of the class in Maths or English ….. but you could ace it in kindness and responsibility. Don’t just aim for a well paid job ….. aim also to be a person of integrity! Blessings to you all!

It’s the Little Things!

Sue’s Views
Life is a lot like this picture. There are a few things that stand out ….. but the majority is made up of varying shades of green. Your life may not look very exciting ….. days of the same old routine ….. not much excitement ….. bo … ring! But every one of those meals you prepare ….. taxi runs to and from school ….. times you clean the house ….. go to work ….. or whatever you do daily ….. are significant bits of an overall beautiful picture!