Hang In There!

Sue’s Views
Thankfully the cyclone has now passed us ….. and all is calm again! But many are still facing its fury. One of the first things I checked on was the caterpillars in our garden. I found them happily chewing away and following the course of nature! Some were inside their cocoons which appear to be hanging by a thread ….. but they were safe because they trust their Creator. So my word for you today is to trust God and hang in there!

Happy Valentines Day!

Sue’s Views
It’s not quite the ‘romantic ambience’ most would have hoped for to celebrate Valentines Day! Grey skies ….. mud everywhere ….. landslides ….. damaged dreams ….. the aftermath of a cyclone! But it’s probably an apt description of true love. Having been married 46 years to someone who is as opposite to me as they come ….. we have both had to learn that true love is hard work! It means learning to walk in their shoes ….. sacrificing your own will for theirs ….. learning to speak their love language when it’s foreign to yours ….. and choosing to ‘love’ when you don’t necessarily ‘like’. Sorry to spoil the Valentines Day vibe ….. but if you want to find true love ….. it will cost you more than flowers and chocolates! It will cost you your pride ….. your rights ….. and your self. But it leads to a love that money can’t buy. We are still learning. That’s why marriage is ‘till death us do part’. It takes a lifetime! There are brighter skies ahead ….. so keep loving!


Sue’s Views
The view from our window is not very inspiring today! After a very windy night ….. the rain is now coming down in bucketfuls. This cyclone has been named Gabrielle! I was just listening to a pod cast in the night (mainly to drown out the sound of the wind) It happened to be about the Angel Gabriel ….. who was Gods messenger to various people in the Bible. He was sent to Daniel ….. Zacharias …..Mary and Joseph ….. to explain to them what God was about to do. Could this ‘Gabrielle’ be a warning? One thing I do know is that Jesus is the best person to be near during a storm. Sometimes He calms the storm! Sometimes He steers us through it! I pray you will all know His peace through whatever storm you are experiencing.

Be Prepared!

Sue’s Views
We are being advised to get ready for another cyclone in the next few days. We can do our part by unblocking drains …..removing unnecessary clutter from our properties ….. and stocking up on groceries etc. But ….. when it comes to ‘being prepared’ ….. there are things beyond our control. Just as we are warned by the Civil Defence when natural disasters are looming ….. the Bible is warning us of spiritual disasters to come. The same applies! We need to unblock our ears and minds ….. remove the clutter from our lives ….. and fill our hearts with good things. We need to find shelter in the shadow of the Most High ….. where we will be safe no matter what comes our way. The Boy Scouts motto is Be Prepared! Are you?

Lessons From Nature

Sue’s Views
Our ability to weather the storms of life is a lot like these trees. 1) They are planted by water so they are constantly hydrated and refreshed. 2) They have deep roots that keep them stable. 3) They are surrounded by others that help to protect them. We can learn a lot from nature!

What Do You Stand For?

Sue’s Views
There’s a saying that if you don’t stand for something ….. you’ll fall for anything. When we have no moral compass ….. every thought or idea seems to have some truth. We start to accept things that once would have horrified us. We make new laws to allow for these new ‘insights’ we’ve discovered now that we are ‘enlightened’. Jesus hated sin but loved the sinner. Loving the sinner doesn’t mean making the sin legal! It means lining it up against the truth so that the sinner sees the error of his ways and is sorry enough to change direction. God’s laws cannot be broken! We are the ones who are broken when we disobey ….. and that’s why we are living in a broken world!

Back To School!

Sue’s Views
The school holidays are finally over! Parents can breathe a sigh of relief as life starts to bear a resemblance of ‘normal’. Well done you for making it through! It’s not always easy to find things for them to do. These guys came for a visit the other day. After making cookies and a walk to the park I had a brainwave! Get them to wash my car! They not only cooled off and had fun ….. but my car is nice and clean! Have a great day back at school guys!

In The Beginning …..

Sue’s Views
Everything has a beginning ….. except God! That’s a hard concept to grasp but He has no beginning. He just always was! He created the universe out of nothing! Another challenge for our brains! Men and women have created some amazing things from the wheel to our modern day technology ….. but they always had something to start with. God made the first matter out of which He created the Universe. At first it was formless and empty so He turned the chaos into cosmos with order and boundaries. Then He filled it with life! He filled the heavens with the sun, moon and stars ….. the sea and skies with fish and bird life ….. the dry land with plants and animals and ….. finally with mankind ….. his crowning glory! Many would want to believe it all just happened without any intelligence or design. But our world is full of design. You were designed uniquely and for a purpose. If we didn’t believe that ….. we would live as though we were here by chance or by accident. God formed you in His image ….. and filled you with dreams ….. talents ….. and personality to fulfil His purpose. Your life is precious!

Ugly Duckling?

Sue’s Views 
Many of us grew up thinking something was wrong with us ….. because we were different. We desperately tried to ‘fit in’ ….. but were left feeling rejected and lonely. Remember the story of ‘The Ugly Duckling?’ His story turned out ok ….. and so will yours! God doesn’t do ‘ugly’ ….. or ‘insignificant’ ….. He only does ‘Good’! You are His! Now that’s a label I can wear!

Blessed To Be A Blessing!

Sue’s Views
It has been a delight to see people helping others over the past few days. Times of crisis often bring out the best in people. They make us realise how blessed we are. I love the way this fountain is designed. Each branch is set at just the right angle to be able to receive water from the branch above while ….. at the same time ….. passing water on to the branch below. That’s a great picture of our lives. We receive ….. and we give. In that way we never become stagnant. The blessings we receive are not for us ….. but for others.