Family Time

Sue’s Views
I hope you have been able to enjoy some quality time with your family this summer. It won’t be long before the school year starts ….. and other commitments begin to fill the calendar. But it’s important to prioritise family times throughout the year. When our children were younger we had ‘Family Time’ after dinner every night. We would ask them to choose songs ….. share about their day ….. and join in the prayer time. It can be as long and creative as you like. Occasionally we would go out for ice cream! Make it fun ….. not something to be endured! The important thing is to connect and make memories. Of course ….. as they get older it’s not always practical. But if the foundation has been laid ….. they will hopefully want to continue the habit with their own families.

Levelled By The Cross!

Sue’s Views
Pride has two faces. It can make us feel superior so that we look down on others. But it can also make us feel so inferior that we pull others down to make us feel better. The Cross of Jesus Christ is the greatest leveller! No matter where you were born ….. how much money you have ….. what gender you are ….. how well educated you are ….. or how much you’ve achieved ….. we are all the same in Gods eyes. Sinners in need of a Saviour! Sin is the greatest pandemic the world has ever known because it affects every single one of us! But there is a cure ….. and it’s the Cross! Jesus paid our penalty by dying in our place and rising again. When we repent and put our trust in Him we are saved from our sins. There is no more need for comparison ….. no need to compete ….. we are all on the same page!

Nothing Is Impossible For God!

Sue’s Views
When I look at the variety of beautiful things God has made ….. it reminds me that nothing is impossible for Him! It doesn’t matter that I cannot fathom how God could possibly answer my prayer. He’s not limited by my tiny little mind! He’s a creator ….. so even if there’s nothing to work with ….. He just creates new material! “No eye has seen ….. no ear has heard ….. no mind has imagined ….. the things God has prepared for those who love Him!”

You Are the Apple of His Eye

Sue’s Views
Our children are a gift from God. They belong to Him first ….. and He cares for them even more than we do. We all started out as an innocent child ….. simple ….. trusting ….. adventurous. Children have no sense of danger. A parent’s role is to protect while at the same time helping them to learn how to live in a world that is full of opportunities. The enemy is out to harm our children in all sorts of ways. Apart from being vigilant ….. the best way to protect our kids is to pray for them. Obviously we can’t be watching them every second ….. but God is! They are the ‘apple of His eye’. It’s the most sensitive part ….. and if something touches it ….. you know about it

Your Story Matters

Sue’s Views 
Your story is the most powerful story you can share. It may not seem very exciting to you …..but to someone else it may be just the encouragement they need. The valleys ….. challenges you’ve faced ….. even your failures ….. all point towards God’s grace and faithfulness. People identify with a simple testimony and you will realise that everything you’ve been through was not only for you ….. but for someone else! 

Water Your Dreams!

Sue’s Views
The beginning of a new year is often a time when new dreams are born. Maybe because we slow down and have time to think! As the year goes on ….. those dreams can become jaded and lost. A dream is like a seed. It has to be planted and watered ….. otherwise it will die. Write it down ….. talk about it ….. think of steps you can take to prepare. If it’s a God inspired dream ….. it will happen!

Sacrifice of Praise

Sue’s Views
After a full on weekend away with our entire family ….. my cup is overflowing! Swimming ….. playing games ….. eating ….. chatting in the spa ….. making memories! So much to be thankful for! Of course ….. it was raining much of the time ….. but that didn’t stop us. We had planned to have a communion/ worship time before we left and that’s when the sun came out! I was reminded of the song ‘WE BRING A SACRIFICE OF PRAISE’. True praise is always costly. But Jesus gave everything for us ….. so nothing is too high a price for us to pay. The sun was still shining after our service and everyone jumped in!

The World On Our Doorstep

Sue’s Views
Spotted a new visitor to the Gardens lake the other day! The ducks seemed to give him/her a wide berth. One thing I love about where we live is the wide variety of ethnicities and cultures. Having been an immigrant myself many years ago ….. I know how it feels to be different. Little things that have been inbred from childhood are suddenly challenged and sometimes even mocked. But for the most part ….. we are opened up to new ways of thinking ….. many of which make more sense. There was a time when all mankind lived in one region and became proud and arrogant. God had to separate them and give them different languages and so the various cultures were formed. God wants to be the centre of every culture ….. but many made gods of their own. When Jesus was on earth He commissioned his disciples to  “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation”. Now the world has come to us so we don’t need to go far to reach them. Every single person on the planet has a God shaped void that can only be filled by Him!


Sue’s Views 
We are experiencing some extreme weather events at the moment. It’s the middle of summer so many holiday plans have been disrupted. Even this guy ….. who has been serenading us all day everyday for weeks now ….. has gone silent this morning! Disappointment is a part of life. I’m sure we’ve all experienced it in some way ….. especially over the past few years with so many things having to be cancelled. But don’t let it make you resentful or cynical. Look for the plan B! So often ….. we come to realise that plan B was actually plan A all along! I think I just heard the bird singing again!

Go Forward in Faith!

Sue’s Views
The year stretches out before us like a blank canvas! I wonder what the picture will look like at the end! Some of it will depend on us ….. choices we make ….. attitudes we adopt. Some of it will be chosen for us ….. decisions and actions beyond our control. But one thing I know for sure is that ‘the eyes of the Lord are always on it, from the beginning of the year to the very end.’ Deut 11:11. We need to go forward in faith!