This Too Shall Pass!

Sue’s Views

Are you going through a difficult time that is beyond your control? There are seasons in life when we’ve done all we can ….. and we just have to wait out the storm. That’s when we can go to the ‘secret place’ which is ‘under the shadow of The Almighty’ and ‘find shelter under the shadow of His wings until these troubles pass by.’ Troubles ‘come to pass’ ….. but the ‘Word of the Lord stands forever.

Our True Inner Self

Sue’s Views
As much as we love to see the trees adorned with blossoms and leaves ….. there is a beauty in the starkness of winter. We get to see the true shape and uniqueness. We too ….. go through seasons where our true inner self is exposed. Times when our emotions are so raw ….. we can no longer hide them or pretend they don’t exist. Our natural response is to push them down ….. cover them up with a superficial facade ….. or drown them in a temporary fix. But God sees through all that ….. and He longs to come in and bring meaning to our reality. Only He can meet you where you are ….. and take you to where He wants you to be. The twists and turns of life make us who we are ….. and enable us to identify with others going through their own journey.

Faith and Works

Sue’s Views
This is an oldie but a goodie! A man in Scotland had a rowboat in which he transported passengers across a lake. He had ‘faith’ written on one oar and ‘works’ written on the other oar. When a passenger asked him why ….. he explained with a practical demonstration. He would put one oar in the boat and row with ‘faith’ only. The boat went round in circles! The same result when he rowed with ‘works’ only. But when he used both oars ….. the boat quickly reached the other side. A great example of why we should show our faith by our actions!

Take Back What the Devil Has Stolen!

Sue’s Views
When God showed Abraham the Promised Land, He told him to walk on it and claim it for his future generations. What are you claiming for your family? The devil is a thief. He steals what is rightfully ours ….. peace ….. joy ….. relationship ….. as well as physical things like finance ….. property ….. health. It’s time to start walking and taking back what belongs to you.

Memories From God’s Perspective

Sue’s Views

Reflections are beautiful! The only problem with them is that they are not always exactly true. For one thing ….. they are upside down and back to front. And if the water is rippled ….. the reflection will be distorted. So it is with our memories! Our childhood memories ….. as true as they may seem ….. may not be totally accurate. We may not have all the facts. Over the years ….. we may have added to or subtracted from what really happened or what was really said. Many of us live our lives with resentment or disappointment due to a painful memory. Because we’ve focussed on it ….. it may have become bigger in our mind than it needs to be. Ask God to show you the situation from His perspective. He will not only reveal the truth to you ….. but will also bring healing to your heart and reconciliation to your relationships.

Knowing Your Authority!

Walking with God means…….knowing your authority! Facing some giants?……..feeling defeated?……..feeling like a grasshopper in comparison?……..that’s because you have forgotten how BIG your God is!……. “greater is HE who is in you than he that is in the world”……..You’re not coming against those giants in your strength……but in the Name of your All Powerful…..All Knowing …….Everywhere Present…….Crazy about His kids…..Dad! He’s got this! Have a great week!

God is Fighting the Battle!

Sue’s Views

When things get overwhelming and all we can see is hopelessness and defeat ….. we need to remember the story of Elijah and his servant who were surrounded by an enemy army. The servant could only see certain defeat and destruction because that’s what was happening in the natural realm. Elisha however was a man of tremendous faith ….. and he saw beyond the natural realm to the supernatural. He prayed that God would open his servants eyes and he did! They both were able to see a much larger army of angel warriors surrounding the enemy. The result was that the enemy soldiers were struck with blindness and lost their sense of direction. Ask God to open your eyes to see what He is doing behind the scene. He is fighting the battle on your behalf. You just need to trust Him!


Sue’s Views

Stress comes in many different ways. We can’t avoid it! Miriam Webster defines is as : ‘a force exerted when one body or body part presses on, pulls on, pushes against, or tends to compress or twist another body or body part.’ Wherever there are two or more people ….. there will be differences of opinion. No more so than in a marriage! But stress doesn’t have to be a bad thing. Athletes use it as part of their training to strengthen their bodies. Whether it’s physical ….. emotional ….. or mental stress ….. we can view it as an opportunity to grow stronger. It can make us ….. or break us! We need to fight as a team.  ‘A house divided against itself will not stand.’ But ….. ‘A threefold cord is not easily broken!’

Life’s Journey

Sue’s Views

Every part of life’s journey is valuable. Without the ‘lows’ ….. we wouldn’t appreciate the ‘highs’. Experiencing times of struggle keeps us grounded when the breakthrough comes. Whether it’s finances ….. health ….. relationships ….. let God lead you through. He has better things ahead for you ….. but you’ll look back on this time as the most significant time of your life.

The Wind Beneath Your Wings

Sue’s Views
Are you weighed down by circumstances ….. or things of this world? Are you relying on your own strength? That won’t get you very far! But there is a power available to you that will get you airborne. The Spirit of God is more powerful than anything you’ll ever face. With Him you can overcome every obstacle! Let Him be the ‘wind beneath your wings!’