Prodigal Duck

Sue’s Views
Do you have a prodigal son or daughter? This picture reminds me of the ‘little duck who went swimming one day ….. over the hills and far away!’ No amount of quacking made the duck come back! But one day that little duck will realise he or she is in a place that’s not very nice ….. and will come to their senses. No matter where they are ….. or how far they have wandered ….. their Heavenly Father sees them and watches over them. Yours is to pray ….. it’s His job to bring them home!

Learning Curves

Sue’s Views
The journey through life is never a straight line. There are twists and turns ….. ups and downs along the way. The path you were on may have lead nowhere ….. but what seems to be a dead end might just be a learning curve! God is more interested in building our character than protecting us from disappointment. He wants us to finish well ….. but He’s never in a hurry. The lessons we learn along the way are worth far more than gold ….. because they are not only for us! They are to be shared with others!

Let go and Let God

Sue’s Views
Has your life been turned upside down? Feel like you are hanging on by your fingernails? It might be time to let go ….. and let God! The Bible says, ‘Not a single sparrow falls to the ground without the Father’s knowledge ….. so don’t be afraid! You are worth more than many sparrows.’ While you hold on in desperation ….. God’s hands are tied. But the moment you let go ….. you’ll discover He has given you wings to fly!

Water from a Rock

Sue’s Views
Here in New Zealand we are experiencing a serious drought. We are all doing our best to limit our water usage ….. but water levels are at their lowest. It’s amazing that ….. in this day of ‘enlightenment’ ….. we haven’t been able to produce rain! When the Israelites left Egypt for the Promised Land ….. they, too experienced a drought. God saw their plight and made water flow out of a rock. It would have taken a lot of water to quench the thirst of 2-3 million people. But that’s nothing to God! We just need ….. as a nation ….. to turn back to Him.


Sue’s Views
Does the way ahead seem to be blocked? Gates have two purposes. They are there to keep intruders out ….. but also to keep those within safe. What we see as an obstacle ….. could be there for our protection. God is our gatekeeper! He sees the dangers we don’t see. He also sees the desires of our hearts. His ‘No!’ could be a ‘Not now!’ He will open the gate if and when the time is right. In the meantime ….. be content with where you are right now!

RMS Rangitane

Sue’s Views
I had a wonderful surprise while out with a group of friends from Church on Saturday. We visited the Maritime Museum in Auckland City. To my amazement ….. we came across this photo of the very ship my parents and I came to NZ on in 1966 ….. the RMS Rangitane. It brought back many poignant memories of that trip. Saying our goodbyes at the wharf ….. days of seasickness ….. followed by much smoother sailing ….. crossing the equator ….. Christmas on board ….. followed by New Year celebrations ….. and finally arriving in Wellington and the first glimpse of our new homeland. As a 12 year old it was a little overwhelming but I am grateful for my Dad’s courage and foresight in bringing us here. That decision set off a whole lot of other decisions that have brought me to where I am today. I can definitely see God’s hand in it all even before I knew Him! Maybe your story is similar?

When the outlook is bleak

Sue’s Views
No matter how bleak things look right now ….. it’s only for a season. You might be on a part of life’s journey that is difficult. There may be some regrets. You may wish you could go back and do things differently. The outlook may be bleak. The prognosis may be dismal. But ….. just as your past doesn’t define who you are today ….. neither does someone else’s opinion determine where you’ll be tomorrow. This leg of the journey ….. unpleasant as it seems ….. is necessary to get you to where you need to be. Yield to God ….. He sees the end from the beginning ….. and every step in between!

God is Faithful

Sue’s Views
There are signs of spring even though it’s still the middle of winter! They remind me of God’s faithfulness ….. that even though we go through seasons of barrenness ….. there are always signs of better things to come. As the great hymn says ….. ‘Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow. Great is thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me!’ God is with us through every season.

Look straight ahead

Have you ever been to Vietnam? What a beautiful place… but one of my scariest moments was learning to cross the road in Hanoi! Every road was teeming with fast electric bikes, and there were no pedestrian crossings… I’m not even sure there were traffic lights! We asked someone local how on earth we were supposed to get to the other side of the road. They told us to just step out, and keep moving at a steady pace, so that the motorbikes could easily weave around you and predict your movements across the road. The thing was, he said, all the bikers kept their eyes ahead and didn’t look around or behind, and so as long as everyone was doing that, they would always see you coming and there wasn’t a problem. My first thought was…. “Yeah, right! Like that sounds safe!” But my cousin and I decided there was no other way but to give it a try. So, we stepped out… then we just kept moving steadily across the road, trying not to look around us but keep our eyes fixed on the other side. Bikes weaved around us steadily, everyone was calm, and it was all very orderly, despite looking like chaos from the side of the road! It worked! 

I often think of this experience in light of the road we travel as Christ’s followers. I think of Peter wanting to walk on the water: everything was fine, until he started looking around. Those waves looked pretty scary, and that water didn’t look too solid! He panicked, lost faith and his confidence in Jesus’s words, and started to sink. I thought of all the things that could’ve happened as I crossed the roads in Hanoi. If I’d stopped, ran, panicked, or started flailing about and making those bikers nervous, there could’ve been accidents! I wouldn’t have got to my destination, and I could’ve caused injury to others. I also found many times in the Old Testament where God’s people were told not to turn aside to the right or the left from what God had already told them to do (in Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Samuel, Kings…).

Then I found this in Proverbs 4:25-27a

“Let your eyes look straight ahead; fix your gaze directly before you. 
Give careful thought to the paths for your feet and be steadfast in all your ways. 
Do not turn to the right or the left…”

It seems to be a very important thing to God that we keep our eyes on Him and what He has already told us, and not look around at our circumstances or turn away from the path He has laid before us. 

Sometimes I turn aside out of fear. Sometimes it’s because I over-analyze or rationalize things: “it’s not possible to walk on water! Maybe this isn’t what He asked me to do after all!” Sometimes it’s because I forget that it’s Him that gives me the strength, and all I can see are my feeble muscles. Sometimes it’s because, like Peter, I look around and feel overwhelmed by the danger or the circumstances. But then I hear that gentle voice saying, “just step out”, or, like He said to Peter when he wanted to walk on the water… just “Come”. 

There’s something powerful about stepping out… I’ve found that as I take that first step of faith, there is suddenly more power, more confidence, more clarity. No one in Hanoi said “well hey, these foreigners are a little nervous, let’s carry them across the road ourselves, or build a bridge, or make some pedestrian crossings…” What they knew from experience was: once you take that first step, keep moving at a steady pace, keep your eyes ahead, don’t worry about what’s around you… you’ll find that you will make it to the other side of the road just fine.

A glimpse of Heaven

Sue’s Views

Woke up to this amazing sky this morning! It reminded me that no matter what is happening here on earth ….. God is reigning from Heaven. No matter who wins the elections ….. God is our righteous and just ruler. No matter how corrupt our world has become ….. He is still good. No matter what the devil has planned ….. God will turn it for good. He is not at all fazed by the state of the world ….. He is waiting for all to join His family. It’s not His will for any to perish ….. but one day He will say ‘Enough’ …..and we will see Jesus come back through that sky. What a day that will be!