
Sue’s Views
Hebrews 12 is a very challenging chapter! It contains words like ‘perseverance’ ….. ‘endurance’ … ‘struggle’ ….. ‘discipline’ ….. ‘effort’ ….. ‘shaking’ ….. and it ends with ‘for our God is a consuming fire!’ Leading up to this passage is the account of people who went through all these things and died before seeing the results they hoped for. Chapter 12 begins with the spotlight on us! Now it’s our turn to run our leg of the race! The difference is we have Jesus at the starting line and at the finishing line. He is our trainer and coach! He endured the most horrific shame ….. humiliation ….. pain ….. and rejection ….. that anyone could ever suffer. And all for us to be with Him for eternity. This journey is not for the faint hearted. It’s no walk in the park! But we must never give up. As long as we keep our focus on Him ….. we will finish well.