Sue’s Views
In yesterday’s church service ….. Ps Sunia challenged us to think about how we would like to be remembered at our funeral. Such a good question! And one I’ve been thinking seriously about. You don’t often hear negative remarks in a eulogy. They usually focus on the best qualities and memories. But I don’t want to be remembered as a ‘nice person’. I guess I would want to have made a difference! I would hope to have inspired people to live their best life ….. to be the best version of themselves they can be ….. to see themselves as God sees them ….. so they can in turn help others to do the same! I realise that ….. starting today ….. I can decide what will be written on my tombstone. And so can you! It’s the moment by moment decisions we make that determine the words that will define how we influence others. But the words I would most want to hear are these from my Heavenly Father:

In yesterday’s church service ….. Ps Sunia challenged us to think about how we would like to be remembered at our funeral. Such a good question! And one I’ve been thinking seriously about. You don’t often hear negative remarks in a eulogy. They usually focus on the best qualities and memories. But I don’t want to be remembered as a ‘nice person’. I guess I would want to have made a difference! I would hope to have inspired people to live their best life ….. to be the best version of themselves they can be ….. to see themselves as God sees them ….. so they can in turn help others to do the same! I realise that ….. starting today ….. I can decide what will be written on my tombstone. And so can you! It’s the moment by moment decisions we make that determine the words that will define how we influence others. But the words I would most want to hear are these from my Heavenly Father: