Grandies Day!

Sue’s Views
Had a great time with these guys making cookies yesterday! They came out all shapes and sizes ….. and not all the cookie dough made it into the oven 😋! I’ll say no more! Zeke’s aim was to make the biggest cookies ….. Calla James to see how many she could make ….. Jabari picked out the chocolate chips and ate them ….. and Alayah just did her own thing! A few made it home to Mum & Dad! It’s ok! I made them wash their hands first!

Winning Attitudes

Sue’s Views

Well done Emirates Team New Zealand! Not only did they win the America’s Cup ….. but they also demonstrated some winning attitudes. Humility ….. honour towards their opponents ….. and great teamwork. It was lovely to see how Luna Rossa responded as well. Both winning and losing are tests of our character. Both pride and despair can take us down ….. but humility and hope for the future will lift us up! 

Nothing is Wasted

Sue’s Views
One thing I’ve learned from my journey so far is that no experience in life is ever wasted. Everything we go through is preparation and training for what lies ahead. Our struggles build strength ….. our mistakes form wisdom and understanding ….. our loneliness leads us to a closer walk with God ….. our losses teach us that everything comes from Him. So ….. there’s no point living with regret ….. guilt ….. or shame! Admit your failures ….. confess your sins ….. seek forgiveness where necessary. Then see the past as your pathway to the future. Then ….. go forward in God’s strength ….. wisdom ….. knowledge and understanding. There are people ahead waiting to be encouraged by your story!

Comeback Story

Sue’s Views
Wow! That was an exciting race yesterday! I love ‘comeback’ stories! Just when it seems all is lost ….. something amazing happens ….. and everything turns around! It’s usually the stuff movies are made of ….. but this is real! It’s an encouragement to us all ….. that no matter how bad our situation may be ….. we should never give up. Keep grinding ….. and wait for the winds to change!

Hear and Obey

Sue’s Views
Much of the Bible can be summed up in the words ‘Hear and Obey!’ There are many voices giving us information ….. and it’s up to us to decide whether or not it’s true. But when God speaks ….. we would be wise to listen. His instructions are based on the fact that He knows everything ….. He wants the best for us ….. He sees dangers we are unaware of. Disobedience has consequences. One of the biggest little words in the Bible is the word ‘if’. ‘If you obey my words ….. you will be blessed!’ ‘If you disobey ….. you will not be blessed!’ Disobedience is removing yourself from God’s protective covering. Don’t be easy game for the enemy! 

Our God is a Consuming Fire

Sue’s Views
Many ask ‘How can a God of love get angry enough to destroy people?’ Some think that the God of the New Testament is different to the God of the Old Testament. But not so! It’s the New Testament that tells us ‘Our God is a consuming fire!’ God’s love is not sentimental or romantic. It’s a love that always does what is right. It is also a long suffering and patient love. God waited until the occupants of Canaan had become so wicked they no longer deserved to live there. Just as a loving father disciplines his children ….. God cannot let sin go unpunished. We need to have a healthy fear of God!

Blazing a Trail

One morning when we were out walking along a bush path near our home here in New Zealand, David suddenly stopped as he saw some familiar flowers. “These make great tea!” he said, “they help cool the body.”
They sounded great, considering it was a hot day! We took some home and dried them. It wasn’t the first time he had done that… when we were in his village in China, I cut my foot on some broken glass while swimming in the river. He quickly went to the bank of the river to look for a particular plant which helped stop bleeding quickly. He picked some and wrapped it around my foot, and it was very effective!

That day as we picked the tea flowers, I wondered… who discovered which plants were edible and which weren’t? What leaves made good tea, which were good for medicine, which were poisonous if you ate them?
I’m sure there must have been years of trial and error by people of all tribes around the world, and some horrible misfortunes! I sure am grateful for all those accumulated years of ancient knowledge, as well as the discoveries of modern medicine. I can’t imagine having to live without pain killers!

The bible is full of the stories of those who blazed a spiritual trail… Abraham, Moses, David, Joshua, Peter, Paul… there were so many things that went wrong, and so many things that went well. The wonderful thing is, we have all of their stories written down to learn lessons from! I always seemed to need a hard lesson to finally learn some things for myself, but I’ve had enough hard lessons now that I’m content to learn from others’ wisdom and mistakes, and just believe them when they say that it doesn’t go well!

But now we are facing so many new challenges in our world, so many new frontiers of change, that sometimes it makes it hard to forge our way ahead. How do we face things like globalisation, social media and technology use, genetic engineering, gender roles, a hectic pace of life, modern medical care, and rapid population growth? Can we just rely on the stories and truths of the past?

Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart
    and lean not on your own understanding;

in all your ways submit to him,
    and he will make your paths straight

Some things may change, but some never do. God is just that… He never changes. He has made Himself available to us as the medicine, the healer, the teacher, the provider, the guide, the path… but we must be tuned in and be willing to trust Him. Jesus told us “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life” (John 14:6), but how has He revealed this “way” to us? How do we keep forging a path ahead through this unknown territory of the modern world?

Of course, there are many truths we can and must learn from the bible.
In the scriptures we find old medicine that still applies to our modern bodies, old ways that still apply to our new path.
Psalm 119:105 “Your word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.”
God’s word is like a mirror that reads us, a book that comes alive when we read it. Through it we learn God’s character, the things He likes and doesn’t like, who we are, the things he wants us to know and where he wants our hearts, minds and loyalties to be. But it must be the Holy Spirit working through the Word and in our hearts to be effective.

Other believers are an essential part of our own life as believers too. God intended us for fellowship with each other, all parts of one body.
1 Corinthians 12: 12 “The human body has many parts, but the many parts make up one whole body. So it is with the body of Christ. 13 […] we have all been baptized into one body by one Spirit, and we all share the same Spirit. […] 17 If the whole body were an eye, how would you hear? Or if your whole body were an ear, how would you smell anything? […] The eye can never say to the hand, “I don’t need you.”
The head can’t say to the feet, “I don’t need you.” […] 25 This makes for harmony among the members, so that all the members care for each other. […] 27 All of you together are Christ’s body, and each of you is a part of it.”

We need other believers in our lives to encourage us along the path ahead, pray for us, teach us by word and example, and sometimes remind us if we are not living the right way. Oftentimes, those who have gone before us into certain territories can let us know of the dangers, or help us see things in our lives that we are blind to.

But sometimes, we can be doing all the right things like going to church and reading the bible, and still feel a bit lost, or miss the trail the God has for us. One thing that we often seem to forget is the most important source of all… God Himself. Spending time in God’s presence is something that Jesus did very frequently. His vital communion with His Father is something that we need just as much as He did.
In the gospel of John chapters 13-17, the last night that Jesus was with His disciples before he was to be crucified, Jesus comforted them as he told them that he would be leaving them. Up until then, they had relied on him in person being there to guide them, teach them, and show them by example how to be his disciples in the Kingdom of God.
But now he was leaving… and they were distressed. How would they face the world with all it’s challenges without him there? He promised an amazing thing to them that would help them blaze the trail ahead…
His presence in Spirit (John 14:16-18). He would still be with them by sending another helper, a comforter, a teacher, to come alongside them and be with them: the Holy Spirit. The disciples and new believers could do nothing without the Spirit guiding them, which is why Jesus asked them to wait in Jerusalem until the power of the Spirit came upon them (Luke 24:49, Acts 1:4). This would give them power (John 14:12-14) to face the obstacles ahead, guidance all along the way, and peace (John 14:27) like a soothing balm that would protect them from distress and fear… medicine that wasn’t anything the world could give them. This way they would do the same works He did, and even greater! Imagine that!

God never asked us to blaze a trail on our own, with constant trial and error, always seeming to pick the wrong plants to eat! He has placed in us, around us, and before us, the things we need to blaze the trail he has called us to walk… mainly, Himself. He will help us discern which things are helpful, which things are good, and which are poisonous… but only if we are willing to trust Him, learn from our fellow believers, spend time in His presence, and take Him at His word.

“Saints of all ages have made it their business to be present to God, and out of this has sprung their truest vocation. They become, therefore, the ones who blaze spiritual trails for others. Every generation of Christians must courageously face dark wildernesses, peculiar to the time in which they live. […] The saints who make it their full intention, therefore, to practice the Presence (however they term this) become the courageous pathfinders, whether for the many or the few. And in doing this, no matter how much they suffer, they are to be accounted doubly blessed, for they have discovered what they were born to do.”

– Leanne Payne, The Healing Presence

Don’t Forget!

Sue’s Views
I don’t know about you ….. but I forget things very easily these days! Maybe it’s because life is so full and our minds are operating on overload most of the time. I don’t want to think it’s because I’m getting older ….. but that too! One thing I’ve found valuable is to keep a journal. Some days I simply write down what I did that day. Other days I take more time to process my thoughts and feelings. One thing God told the Israelites over and over was ‘Don’t forget!’ When you go into the Promised Land and possess houses you didn’t build ….. crops you didn’t plant ….. livestock and riches you didn’t earn ….. don’t forget that everything you have comes from God. When I look back at my journals throughout the years ….. I’m reminded of the many challenges God has brought me and my family through. The many blessings He has loaded us with daily. The lessons learned ….. the growth that has taken place. It all ends up with thanksgiving! If life is tough right now ….. take a moment to remember the One who has brought you through ….. and will continue to do so.

Dispossess and Possess

Sue’s Views
God has new territory for us to possess. It may be spiritual territory ….. emotional ….. mental ….. or material ….. but it is most likely occupied at the moment. Opposing forces don’t want you to have it. In order to possess something ….. we first have to dispossess it! Israel didn’t just wander into the Promised Land and take over. They discovered it was occupied by enemies of God and they weren’t going to hand it over easily. God had promised them that they would win the battle ….. but they still had to fight! When we fight in God’s army ….. we are assured of victory. So ….. ‘Be strong and of good courage ….. for the battle belongs to the Lord!’

If He Walked the Earth Today…

One day I sat and pondered…
What would Jesus look like if He walked the earth today?
Would he have an iPhone, or no phone at all?
Would He have a Facebook account, an Instagram, an e-mail address?
Would He wear blue jeans, or a robe and sandals, or something completely different? 

And then I realised I had seen Him…

I saw Him as a high school girl,
Who stood firm in her faith
With courage and humility…
…even at gunpoint

I saw Him in a hijab 
On a bus in Iran
Sharing quietly with the woman next to her
About the man in white who had come in her dream|
And given her peace from the turmoil inside

I saw Him in jeans and a T-shirt
As a pastor in a local church
Setting up chairs on a Sunday morning

I saw Him dressed in a white coat
In a science lab…
Exploring the incredible universe
His Father had created

I saw Him dressed as a street-sweeper in Beijing
Who once was a top brain surgeon
But was discovered to be a traitor to the Party
With her loyalty to this King
So now she cleaned those streets for Him 
With all her heart 

I saw Him immaculately dressed in a suit and tie
Laying hands and healing the sick
But always wearing his thinnest suit when it was cold
Because he wanted to know when those who were clothed sparingly
Were starting to get cold too

I saw him in sneakers
A 19-year-old on the street outside a supermarket
Sharing with the homeless and drug addicts
About the hope and healing in Him

I saw Him with a loud voice
Full of faith and passion
Standing on a stage
Not wanting anyone to miss the good news
That a Saviour had come for them

I saw him dressed in Thai silk
Dancing a traditional Thai dance
Using his own way
To worship the Father in Heaven

I saw him in a wheelchair
Trudging through the slums of Africa
Leading a team that was handing out wheelchairs to others
And bringing hope to the hopeless

I saw Him as a husband
Tired after his long day
Making a cup of tea for his wife|
And rubbing her feet 
After her long day

I saw Him in Parliament
Petitioning for the weak and vulnerable
The unrepresented and the voiceless

I saw Him dressed in a nurse’s gown
Patiently and lovingly attending to her patients
Giving them her time and a listening ear
Whenever they felt afraid or alone

I saw him as a young girl,
A grandparent,
An African fisherman,
A single mother,
A youth leader…
I saw Him in a business meeting,
In a kitchen,
In India,
In a house church
In a worship team
In war-torn Syria…

…and he was wearing all kinds of things,
Looking like all kinds of people
And acting in all kinds of roles
With few possessions, or many
With a phone, or without
Because it didn’t matter really,
It was what He did and why
That really counted.