
Sue’s Views
Have you been rejected by someone you love? Rejection is one of the enemy’s tools to make us feel unworthy and unlovable. It’s roots go deep ….. and it’s effects can last long. The person rejected often feels they are at fault ….. and struggles with their identity. Jesus knew rejection ….. from his own family ….. from people He wanted to help ….. and finally from His Father. He understands and identifies with the rejected. If that’s you ….. talk to Him about it. He overcame rejection and exchanged it for His acceptance on the Cross. If God accepts us ….. who can reject us?

Autumn Cleaning

Sue’s Views

Most of us like to do ‘spring cleaning’ ….. but how about some ‘autumn cleaning’? Those fallen leaves can make our gardens untidy and clog up the gutters. As well as raking up those leaves and making them into compost ….. how about a heart check at the same time. Shake off all the negative thoughts ….. regrets ….. labels ….. unforgiveness ….. doubts ….. and fears. Let them become food for future decisions ….. and lessons learned. Don’t let them clog your heart and mind. A new season is coming! 


Sue’s Views
One of the problems with us humans is that we like to be in control! When we are facing a problem ….. we have to try to solve it. But the material we have to work with is limited. The writer of Ecclesiastes ….. in trying to explain the issues facing mankind ….. made the mistake of limiting his search to ‘everything under the sun’. But God is not under the sun! He created the sun and is therefore far above the sun ….. the moon and the stars. His knowledge and wisdom is far greater than our little minds can fathom. His ways are higher than ours. You can trust Him! He cares far more about your problem than you do.


Sue’s Views
It was a nice change to go into the city the other day ….. especially as the train ride was free and we didn’t have to worry about parking! It seems like the city is constantly changing and developing. I was taken by the artistry of the buildings ….. the vast variety of architecture and design. But then I thought about the planning behind it all. And that’s when my head started to explode! I’m glad it’s not my job! But everything that is made starts with a designer who already sees the finished product. Nothing just happens by chance!


Sue’s Views
When Jesus chose His disciples ….. He chose simple ….. hard working young men. Among them were fishermen! They knew the Sea of Galilee very well as their livelihood depended on it. Many of the miracles they witnessed happened while going about their daily chores. The miracle of the super catch ….. a fish with a coin in its mouth ….. the calming of the sea ….. Jesus walking on the water and Peter’s attempt to do the same. Galilee is famous for it’s sudden storms ….. and it became a training ground for their faith. When Jesus is in our boat ….. we too will experience His miraculous provision ….. and overcoming power ….. in our everyday lives. If life is a bit stormy at the moment ….. get ready to walk on water!

Van Gogh Live

Sue’s Views
Yesterday we were blessed by our awesome family to attend the Van Gogh Live exhibition as a Mothers Day gift. It was an amazing experience. As with many highly gifted people ….. Van Gogh experienced the highest highs and the lowest lows. These come through in his paintings. Some of his quotes show his understanding of mental illness ….. and he found a way to express his emotions through his works of art. If you are struggling with depression or anxiety ….. you are not alone! Allow God’s deepness to connect with the depths of emotion you are feeling and bring truth and wholeness to you.


Sue’s Views
The sunflower can teach us many lessons! Apart from producing seeds and oil that are full of vitamins and nutrients ….. their very appearance brings joy and a feeling of wellness. I love how they turn their heads to follow the sun. It’s a reminder for us to look towards the Son of God ….. who wants to produce good things in our lives. We reflect who we look at! I pray you will all have a blessed week filled with joy and health!

From Darkness to Light

Sue’s Views
If you have been walking through a dark place ….. there is light at the end of this tunnel. If you are about to give up ….. keep going ….. because there is hope for you. If you can’t see a future ….. keep believing ….. because Your future is in God’s hands. If you are harbouring guilt or shame ….. acknowledge it ….. because forgiveness and healing are waiting for you. Darkness is the Devil’s playground. It’s a place of distortion ….. lies ….. and accusation. Jesus said ‘1 am the Light of the World. If you follow me you won’t be stumbling through the darkness, for living light will flood your path.’


Sue’s Views
When I was younger ….. I would ask God to remove all the obstacles from my path. To fill my day with blessings ….. to help me get on with everyone ….. to help me find a car park etc. I’m glad to say it has developed over the years! Now ….. my prayers go something like ‘Please give me the strength to face whatever is in my path. Help me to be a blessing to those around me. There is nothing I will face today that You and I together can’t handle!’ Then ….. I go about my day with confidence. God doesn’t always take us out of challenging situations ….. but He does walk through them with us!


Sue’s Views

Our past experiences make a pathway for our future. They can take us up to new heights of expectation ….. or down to old feelings of failure or shame. Why is it that some who have had an abysmal past become world changers ….. while others repeat the cycle? They make a decision whilst at the crossroads. They see clearly the two choices laid out before them and they choose the higher road. They see their God given potential and don’t want to waste it. They realise that ….. with His help ….. nothing is impossible!

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